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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Kent Bir Veri Madeni
English The City as a Data Mine
Course Code
MBL 552E Credit Lecture
Semester -
- 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Sema Alaçam Doğan
Course Objectives 1.To introduce the basic theoretical and practical knowledge on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining through lectures, readings and case studies
2. To develop an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the well-known and widely-applied Data Mining techniques
3. To have students acquire knowledge, skills and experience on the implementations of Data Mining methods and techniques with architectural and urban data
4. To enable students get hands-on experience on Data Mining using a set of easy-to-use software for data managing and analysis
5. To have students to develop insights into creating a data-driven approach to architectural design, urban design, planning and decision-making
Course Description Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining methods, techniques and application domains; Data Mining for architecture, urban analysis, design, planning and decision-making; Knowledge Discovery process (urban data acquisition, preprocessing, data mining, visualization and evaluation); Identification of architectural and urban data sources and data types
Course Outcomes Students who have succesfully completed this course gain knowledge, ability and proficiency in the following subjects:

1. To built a knowledge base of the advanced data analysis methods to implement in the field of architectural design computing
2. To understand the interaction of the field of architectural design computing with other disciplines
3. To acquire skills in utilizing advanced research methods for problem-solving and decision making
4. To develop new and creative ideas through the use of the gained knowledge, skills and experience
Required Facilities
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