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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Institute of Science and Technology / MAK 576E / Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 1-) One dimensional modeling of IC engines
2-) Engine power, torque, exhaust emission calculations, applications with commercial software
3-) Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) in automotive applications - introduction
4-) Governing equations, solution techniques, boundary conditions
5-) CFD Case studies , problem definition, grid generation, solutions, post-processing
6-) CFD Case studies , vehicle aerodynamics application
7-) Kinematics and dynamics of rigid bodies (theory), multibody systems simulation software, modelling and analysis of suspension systems, tyre characteristics and modeling
8-) Assembly of full-vehicle models, simulation output and interpretation, testing.
9-) Multibody simulation case studies with commercial software
10-) Multibody simulation case studies with commercial software.Presentation of in-house driving simulation software modules of the ITU Automotive Laboratory
11-) Finite element stiffness method in structural analysis - Introduction
12-) Mathematical model of the structure, element discretization, aplications of FE matrix model
13-) Forces, displacments and sign convention, stiffness method, formulation procedures for element structural relationships, global stiffness matrices
14-) Commercial vehicle applications using FEM, forces, loads, boundary conditions, mesh generation, post processing
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