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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mekatronik Sistemlerin Modellenmesi ve Kontrolü
English Modelling&Control of Mech.Sys.
Course Code
MKM 506E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Pınar Boyraz Baykaş
Pınar Boyraz Baykaş
Course Objectives (1) Modeling of complex Mechatronics systems using both conventional system dynamics & control approach and recently established methods such as virtual prototyping, hardware in the loop. (2) Getting a general understanding in operation and dynamics of sensors, actuators and integrated systems and application of crucial modeling and control design steps in Mechatronics.
Course Description Modelling and Control of Mechatronics Systems.
Course Outcomes 1. To have a general understanding on sensor, actuator and integrated system modeling.
2. To have the ability of going through modeling steps for a Mechatronics system and learn to choose the right modeling approach for the application.
3. To have the general understanding of control of Mechatronics systems and distinguish the differences of Mechatronics approach in control applications.
4. To understand different system integration applications and have the ability to think of novel ways to expand the use of Mechatronics for low-cost and efficient systems.
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