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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Rezervuar Mühendisliğinde Optimizasyon Yöntemleri
English Optimization Methods in R.Eng.
Course Code
PET 604E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ömer İnanç Türeyen
Course Objectives The course will focus on optimization methods used in reservoir parameter estimation and performance predictions, which are widely used in reservoir management studies of petroleum, natural gas and geothermal reservoirs. In the course, fundamentals of least-squares theory, maximum-likelihood, statistics and geostatistics as well as inverse problem methodology for incorporating hard and soft data into reservoir characterization; gradient and non-gradient methods of optimizations will be covered.
Course Description Deterministic and stochastic methods for optimization; forward and inverse problem definitions; Linear and non-linear regression; Optimization using non-gradient-based methods (simplex, Kalman and ensemble Kalman filter methods); Optimization using gradient based methods (conjugate gradient, steepest descent; Newton; Gauss-Newton, Levenberg-Marquardt); Simulated annealing; Neural networks; Eigenvalue and singular value decomposition; Applications to reservoir engineering and geostatistics.
Course Outcomes I. Basic knowledge and concepts in advanced reservoir optimization,
II. Linear and nonlinear reservoir modeling and parameter estimation,
III. Least-squares, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian estimation,
IV. History matching problem,
V. Geostatistics and its use in reservoir description,
VI. Unconstrained and constrained optimization algorithms,
VII. Gradient and nongradient optimization algorithms,
VIII. Future reservoir performance prediction and assessment of uncertainty in predictions
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