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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Enerji Sistemlerinin Kararlılığı
English Power system Stability
Course Code
ELK 518 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hatice Lale Zeynelgil
Hatice Lale Zeynelgil
Course Objectives The aim of this course are
1. To learn the stability concept for power systems, types of stability analysis and simulation methods,
2. To obtain the mathematical models of synchronous machine which are necessary for stability studies,
3. To learn excitation and prime mover system models,
4. To learn the concepts about transient stability and transient stability analysis in computer environment,
5. To learn the concepts about dynamic and steady state stability, and to determine the steady state operation conditions of synchronous machine by means of phasor diagram.
Course Description Power System Stability; Definitions, Simulation Methods. Mathematical Models of Synchronous Machine; Phase Models, (d-q-0) Model, State-Space Models. Excitation and Prime Mover System Models; Mathematical Models, Computer Models. Transient Stability; One Machine System Stability; Swing Equation, Equal Area Criteria. Multi-Machine System Stability; System Model, Simulation Methods, Improving Methods for Transient Stability. Dynamic and Steady-State Stability; Models for One Machine and Multi-Machine Systems, Steady-State Equations and Phasor Diagrams of Synchronous Machine.
Course Outcomes 1. To have some knowledge about stability problem for power systems and types of stability analysis,
2. To obtain the computer models for synchronous machine together with excitation and prime mover systems,
3. To make transient stability analysis,
4. To make dynamic and steady state stability analysis,
5. To determine the steady state operation conditions of synchronous machine by means of phasor diagram.
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Use of MATLAB and similar software is required for simulation.
Other None
Textbook 1. P. W. Sauer, M. P. Pai, Power System Dynamics and Stability, Prentice Hall Comp., 1998
2. M. E. Tacer, Enerji Sistemlerinde Kararlılık, İTÜ Elektrik-Elektronik Fakültesi, 1990
3. K. R. Padiyar, Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control, John Wiley & Sons Comp., (e-book) 2008
4. J. Machowski, Power System Dynamics: Stability and Control, John Wiley & Sons Comp., 2008
5. J. Arrillaga, Computer Modelling of Electrical Power Systems, John Wiley & Sons Comp., 2001
Other References None
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