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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Deniz Araçlarının Modellemesi ve Kontrolü
English Modelling&Cont.of Mari.Vehic.
Course Code
MKM 611E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Gökhan Tansel Tayyar
Course Objectives 1. Giving theoretical and practical information on differential equations of sea surface and submarine vehicles’ motion, hydrodynamic coefficients, linear and nonlinear equations of motion.
2. Giving theoretical and practical information on the force and moment effects of environmental sea and wind conditions.
3. To be done theoretical and applied studies on modeling of systems such as rudder, stabilizer fin, propulsion-propeller and related actuator systems used in marine vehicle control systems.
4. To be done applications on an underwater vehicle’s depth-pitch and heading motions’ modeling and control.
5. To be done classical and advanced control system design and simulation studies for sea surface vehicles such as maneuvering, optimal trim, dynamic position, roll damping.
Course Description Introduction of marine vehicles’ motions and control systems; floating vessels’ hydrodynamics; enviromental forces and moments; seakeeping theory, the frequency-domain and the time-domain models including fluid memory effects; nonlinear 6 DOF equations of marine vehicles’ motion, nonlinear and linearized maneuvering model, autopilot models for heading control; models and control methods for underwater vehicles; sensor and navigation systems, actuator models, motion control systems.
Course Outcomes A student who completed this course successfully:
1. will have theoretical knowledge about hydrodynamics of floating vehicles, and environmental forces and moments.
2. by gaining theoretical knowledge about the hydrostatics and stability of surface and underwater vehicles, they will gain awareness about critical issues and precautions in applications.
3. will gain theoretical knowledge and skills about Seakeeping Theory and the establishment of frequency and time dependent models including fluid memory effects.
4. learn nonlinear equations of motion with 6 degrees of freedom and obtain linearized forms from these equations.
5. will be able to use it in various applications by having knowledge about sensor and navigation systems, control surfaces and actuator models, motion control hardware systems.
6. will gain theoretical knowledge about the movements, modeling, control design and systems of sea surface and submarine vehicles, including interdisciplinary issues, and will have skills in applications in various fields.
7. will gain knowledge and skills in the design and implementation of all systems and subsystems in marine vehicle modeling and control.
Pre-requisite(s) ..
Required Facilities ..
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Textbook • Fossen, T. I., Handbook of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics and Control, First Edition, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., 2011
• Triantafyllou, M. S., Hover, F. S., Maneuvering and Control of Marine Vehicles, Department of Ocean Engineering, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, 2003
• Fossen, T. I., Marine Control Systems: Guidance, Navigation, and Control of Ships, Rigs and Underwater Vehicles, Marine Cybernetics, Trondheim, Norway, 2002
• Perez, T., Ship Motion Control: Course Keeping and Roll Stabilisation Using Rudder and Fins, Springer, 2005
• Sorensen, A. J., Marine Control Systems: Propulsion and Motion Control of Ships and Ocean Structures, Department of Marine Technology, NTNU, 2013
Other References
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