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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İleri Kimya Mühendisliği Termodinamiği
English Advanced Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
Course Code
KMM 543E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Nil Özbek
Course Objectives To train students analyzing the complex thermodynamics processes.
To demonstrate students the industrial applications of thermodynamics.
To train students to be able to perform thermodynamic calculations related with real phase behaviors.
To train students to perform thermodynamic calculations related with chemical equilibrium and combined chemical and phase equilibrium.
To train students to perform thermodynamic calculations related with different energy conversion systems.
Course Description Availability; available part of internal, kinetic and potential energy; availability of open and closed systems; reversibl work; lost work; availability-irreversibility analysis of processes. Equilibrium and stability; vapor-liquid equilibrium for real phase behaviors; liquid/liquid , vapor/liquid/liquid , solid/liquid , solid/vapor equilibrium.Chemical equilibrium in homogeneous systems; heterogeneous reactions; combined chemical and phase equilibrium.Cogeneration; nuclear and hydroelectric power cycles; solar, wind geothermal and biomass power systems; photovoltaic systems; fuel cells.
Course Outcomes Comprehend advanced thermodynamics subjects
Perform thermodynamic analysis of complex industrial processes.
Calculate phase equilibrium behaviors for real systems point of view of thermodynamics.
Perform thermodynamic calculations related with homogeneous and heterogeneous reacting systems at equilibrium.
Perform thermodynamic calculations related with the systems existing at combined chemical and phase equilibrium
Perform thermodynamic calculations related with different energy conversion systems.
Required Facilities
Textbook Smith J.M., van Ness H.C., Abbott M.M., Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics, 7th Ed., McGraw-Hill Comp. Inc., Singapore, 2001.
Sandler S.I., Chemical, Biochemical and Eng. Thermodynamics, 4th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Singapore, 2006.
Tester J.W., Modell M., Thermodynamics and Its Applications, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1997.
Moran M.J., Shapiro H.N., Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, 6th Ed., John Wiley &Sons,Inc., USA, 2007.
Haberman W.L., John J.E.A., Engineering Thermodynamics, 2nd Ed., Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1989.
Other References
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