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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çok Kriterli Karar Verme Uygulamalarında İleri Konular
English Advanced Topics in Multiple Criteria Decision Making Applications
Course Code
END 575E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Yusuf İlker Topcu
Course Objectives 1. examining and reviewing multiple criteria decision making applications that aim to provide the vision and collaboration necessary to start making progress on solving the major societal challenges and improving quality of life,
2. introducing students to how multiple criteria decision making methods and decision support tools are used to solve these problems,
3. discussing the multiple criteria decision making models used and the results revealed at the previously organized decision conferences.
Course Description Helping students how to use MCDM methods to solve major societal challenges and improve quality of life,
Examining MCDM methods utilized on sustainability, circular economy, climate change, renewable energy, conflict resolution, immigration, poverty, drought, famine, disasters, sharing economy, smart cities, urban governance, climate smart agriculture, food security, food safety, industry 4.0, healthcare management, defense industry, aerospace, unmanned vehicles, and business analytics applications
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course will be able to:
1. learn the role of multiple criteria decision making methods and decision support tools in the decision making process,
2. have knowledge about organizing a decision conference, which is a participatory method, and interpreting the revealed results,
3. structure and model multidisciplinary frameworks for solving the major societal challenges and improving quality of life,
4. analyze these multiple criteria decision making models.
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