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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İleri Sayısal Hava Tahmini
English Advanced Numeric.Weather Pred.
Course Code
MTO 601E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Sevinç Asilhan
Sevinç Asilhan
Course Objectives Teach the basics of weather and climate. As weather forecasters, we rely heavily on numerical weather models to aid in making our short- and long-term forecasts (see above quote). Unfortunately, we believe their predictions all too readily because we don’t understand when they work and when they don’t. This course is intended to give the student a basic introduction to numerical weather prediction techniques and should assist the student in evaluating model-derived forecasts with a critical eye.
Course Description Map factor; Basic model equations; Numerical techniques and computational instability; Grid structures of Arkawa and Lambert schemes; Concept of model initialization.
Boundary layer processes; A review of numerical weather prediction models in operation; Products of numerical models; Introduction to model output statistics; Applications of barotropic end equivalent barotrophic.
Course Outcomes On completing this course students should :
I. To be able to describe the principle construction of numerical weather prediction systems.
II. To be able to describe the connections between theories of atmospheric dynamics and results from experiments with numerical weather prediction models.
III. To be able to understand the physical processes of model components and their interaction within the model framework.
IV. To be able to understand the fundamental concepts in numerical modeling that is necessary for atmospheric analysis and prediction.
V. To be able to demonstrate some of the methods and tools used during model run such as round-off, truncation, numerical instability and dynamical instability as well as numerical instability Courant-Friedrichs-Lewy (CFL or Courant).
VI. To be able to describe the solution results of partial differential equations using the approach of finite difference and Taylor series to determine the initial and boundary conditions.
VII. To be able to describe the applications of Fourier method used numerical weather prediction analysis.
VIII. To be able to demonstrate some of the methods and tools used for model output analysis and to be able to evaluate the numerical weather prediction outputs and to be able to understand the effect of ensemble forecast.
Required Facilities
Textbook Atmospheric Modeling, Data Assimilation and Predictability” by Eugenia Kalnay.
An Introduction to Numerical Weather Prediction Techniques by T.N. Krishnamurti and L. Bounoua .
Other References Workbook on Numerical Weather Prediction for the training of Class I and Class II Meteorogical Personel. World Meteorological organization, Geneva
Haltiner, G.J. and R.T. Willions, 1980 Numerical Prediction and Dynamic Meteorology. John Willey end sons , New York.
Street, R. L., 1973 The Analysis an Solution of Partial Differential Equations. Broks / Cole, California.
Haberman, R., 1987. Elementary Applied Partial Differential Equations, Prentice-Hall International, 0-13-252875-4.
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