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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Yöneylem Araştırması ve Matematiksel Modelleme
English Operations Res. & Mathem. Mod.
Course Code
END 603E Credit Lecture
Semester 3
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Mehmet Nahit Serarslan
Mehmet Nahit Serarslan
Course Objectives In summary form, the overall educational objective of this course is to enable students to:

1. Develop necessary skills and competencies in basic mathematical OR methods and modeling
2. To give them basic mathematical tools to make research in mathematical modeling
3. To give necessary skills for their understanding of mathematical and quantitative content in their research for doctoral work
4. to enable them to think in terms of original and analytical terms
Course Description Overview of Operations Research Modeling Approach, Deterministic Dynamic Prog¬ramming, Probabilistic dynamic programming, Matrix Algebra and Modeling using Matrices, Transfor¬mation of Variables in Multi-Variate Functions, Linear and Non-Linear Model Building and Their Applications in Management Sicience, Queueing Models and their Applications, Introduction to Multi-Variate Statistical Analysis, Other selected Topics
Course Outcomes Following completion of this course the student will be able to;
1. Define and classify an OR model,
2. Model and analyze some queueing proplems
3. Model some business management problems through use of OR models
4. Determine application areas of dynamic programming
5. To analyze some specific selected problems in OR
Required Facilities
Textbook Winston, W., Operations Research, 4 th Ed., Duxbury Press
Other References
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