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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 13/02/2024 Brushed DC motor, brushless DC motor, operation principles of brushed and brushless motors
2 20/02/2024 Construction and operation of BLDC motor
3 27/02/2024 The electrical drive circuit of the BLDC motor, decoder circuit
4 05/03/2024 Mathematical model of brushed and BLDC motors
5 12/03/2024 Feedback control of PMSM (BLAC) and BLDC motors
6 19/03/2024 Structure of brushless synchronous servomotor (BLSSM) and PMSM (BLAC)
7 26/03/2024 The electrical drive circuit of BLSSM and PMSM (BLAC), decoder circuit
8 02/04/2024 Sensorless operation methods for brushless servo drives
9 09/04/2024 Spring Break
10 16/04/2024 Submit Term Project Reports and Presentations
11 23/04/2024 Holiday - National Sovereignty and Children's Day
12 30/04/2024 Term Project Presentations Cont.
13 07/05/2024 Field-weakening region operation for IPMSM and BLDC motors;
Case studies and applications include a reduced-switch inverter, 2-phase BLDC, slotless-type, coreless-type, drone motors, etc.
14 14/05/2024 Final Project Reports and Presentations
15 21/05/2024 Final Project Presentations Cont.
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