KOM 513E - Modelling& Kontrol Of Robots
Course Objectives
1. Describe a rigid body motion using tools of linear algebra and screw theory
2. Learn and interpret advanced methods, important theorems and proof methods related to kinematics
and dynamics models of parallel and serial manipulators
3. Learn and interpret advanced methods, important theorems and proof methods related to kinematics
and dynamics models of mobile robots
4. Learn and interpret advanced control methods, important theorems and proof methods related to robot manipulators and mobile robots
5. Acquire recent research directions on probabilistic methods on robotics and develop his/her written or oral communication skills
Course Description
Rigid body motion, manipulator kinematics: forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, manipulator Jacobean, Parallel manipulators, mobile robot kinematics, robot dynamics and control: dynamics of open chain manipulators, position control and trajectory tracking, force control, dynamical modeling and control of mobile robots.
Course Coordinator
Hakan Temeltaş
Course Language