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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Robotların Modellenmesi ve Kontrolü
English Modelling& Kontrol Of Robots
Course Code
KOM 513E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hakan Temeltaş
Course Objectives 1. Describe a rigid body motion using tools of linear algebra and screw theory
2. Learn and interpret advanced methods, important theorems and proof methods related to kinematics
and dynamics models of parallel and serial manipulators
3. Learn and interpret advanced methods, important theorems and proof methods related to kinematics
and dynamics models of mobile robots
4. Learn and interpret advanced control methods, important theorems and proof methods related to robot manipulators and mobile robots
5. Acquire recent research directions on probabilistic methods on robotics and develop his/her written or oral communication skills
Course Description Rigid body motion, manipulator kinematics: forward kinematics, inverse kinematics, manipulator Jacobean, Parallel manipulators, mobile robot kinematics, robot dynamics and control: dynamics of open chain manipulators, position control and trajectory tracking, force control, dynamical modeling and control of mobile robots.
Course Outcomes 1. To be able to model inverse and forward kinematics of serial manipulators and solve those kinematicmodels.
2. To be able to model dynamical models of serial manipulators and design model based controllers.
3. To be able to model and analyze the kinematic and dynamic model of mobile robots and design controllers.
4. To be able to follow and understand the scientific literature published in this area.
5. To be able to present the results of his/her scientific research written in the form of a scientific paper, and orally in the form of a conference.
Pre-requisite(s) Pre-requisite(s)
Required Facilities Advanced level use of MATLAB, SIMULINK and Symbolic Toolbox is required to be able to accomplish project and homework assignments.
Textbook 1. Bruno Siciliano Lorenzo Sciavicco , Luigi Villani , Giuseppe Oriolo Robotics: Modelling, Planning and Contro Advanced Textbooks in Control and Signal Processing (2010)
2. Mark W. Spong, Seth Hutchinson, Mathukumalli Vidyasagar Robot modeling and control- John Wiley & Sons (2006)
3. B.Siciliano, L.Villani, Robot Force Control, Kluwer Academics Press, Boston, 1999
4. C. Canudas de Wit, B.Siciliano, G.Bastin, Theory of Robot Control, Springer, London, 1996.
5. Richard M. Murray, Zexiang Li, S. Shankar Sastry A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation CRC Press (1994)
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