MAD 560 - Sale and Marketing of Minerals
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to teach basic concept about sale and marketing of mineral and concentration.
to teach essentials of sale agreements preparing, to study; metals, industrial raw materials, energy materials and their manufacturers, consumers, markets and market trends.
to teach basic concept of pricing of metals, industrial raw materials, energy materials (prim, penalties etc.); to examine the functioning of today's metal exchanges.
Course Description
Basic concept about sale and marketing of mineral and concentration, applications of mineral delivery (FOB, CIF, QP) Prim, Penalties, Uses of metals and minerals according to industrial concerns, World and Turkey reserves, Annual production and consumption amounts, Ore and concentrate criteria, The factors that have being effecting pricing of ore and concentrates, pricing and marketing of metal concentrates and market trends, Major metals, Iron and steel alloy metals, Minor metals, Precious metals, Industrial raw materials, Energy materials
Course Coordinator
Hakan Tunçdemir
Course Language