JEO 626E - Ore Depo.Related to Pla.Tecto.
Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is - by specializing general knowledge already acquired - to teach students frequency of occurrence of ore deposits in which tectonic belts within the context of plate tectonics, and thus where to look, why and how they should be explored. Introduction of metallogenic belts of Turkey and presence and potential occurrence of ore deposits in such environments and teaching their interrelations with lithologies and tectonic settings.
Course Description
General features of ore deposits: solution properties, texture-structure concepts, hydrothermal alterations associated with ore deposits; Classification of ore deposits: Relationship of ore deposits with plate tectonics; Use of the plate tectonics in explorations; Classification of ore deposits according to the plate tectonics; Metallogeny belts; Ore deposits found in association with converging plate boundaries and their interrelations; Ore deposits associated with diverging plate boundaries and rifting; Volcanogenic massive sulfide deposits (e.g., Kuroko and Pontide type); Carbonate hosted massive sulfide deposits (e.g., Mississippi valley type – MVT- deposits); Porphyry type ore deposits; Skarn type ore deposits; Epithermal ore deposits; Examples from Turkey
Course Coordinator
Emin Çiftçi
Course Language