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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Cevher Hazırlama Tesislerinin Projelendirilmesi ve Fizibilitesi
English Feasibilty and Design of Mineral Processing Plants
Course Code
CHZ 518 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ali Güney
Kudret Tahsin Perek
Course Objectives 1. The purpose of this course is to teach students how to make feasibility studies and design of the coal and mineral processing plants
2. To evaluate and study project of the coal and mineral processing plants
Course Description Estimation of costs in mineral processing plant, estimate capital costs, estimate operation costs, Depreciation, Time Value of Money, Net Present Value, Nominal and effective Interest Rates, Whether to accept or reject an investment, More than One Possible Investment, Decision to rent or Buy, Effects of Depreciation Allowences and Discounting, The Internal Rate of Return, A Method for Estimating Project Profitability, Plant site selection and environmental relations, Feasibility Studies(Case Study), Storage and Conveying plant design, Crushing, Screnning Grinding and classification plant design and case studies, Gravity, Flotation, Magnetic and electrostatic separation plant desing, Chemical Separation plant design and case studies, other plant design
Course Outcomes Graduate students who successfully pass this course gain the following knowledge, skills and proficiencies:

1. To be able to design and evaluate project of the coal and mineral processing plants
2. To understand the interdisciplinary interaction related with the field and to achieve the original conclusions through new and complex results and knowledge
3. To be able to execute critical analysis, synthesis, and evaluation of new and complex ideas
4. To be able to contribute the solutions of problems related to design of the plants.
Pre-requisite(s) none
Required Facilities -
Other -
Textbook Mineral Processing Plant Design, Practice and Control.(2002), Edit. A.L. Mular, D.N. Halbe, D.J. Barrat, U.S.A
Other References 1. Mineral Processing Design and Operation: An Introduction, Ashok Gupta, Denis Yan, Elsevier Science; 1 edition (July 10, 2006), ISBN-10: 0444516360, ISBN-13: 978-0444516367
2. Mineral Processing Plant Design, Practice, and Control (2 Volume Set), Andrew L. Mular (Editor), Derek J. Barratt (Editor), Doug N. Halbe (Editor), Society for Mining Metallurgy & Exploration (October 2002), ISBN-10: 0873352238, ISBN-13: 978-0873352239
3. Mineral Processing Plant Design, Practice and Control.(2002), Edit. A.L. Mular, D.N. Halbe, D.J. Barrat, U.S.A
4. Peter W. Harben (2002), The industrial minerals handbook: a guide to markets, specifications, & prices, Worcester Park, Surrey, UK Industrial Minerals Information
5. Andrew L. Mular, Doug N. Halbe, and Derek J. Barrat (2002), “Mineral processing plant design, practice and control” Proceeding, New York: Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration

The Estimation of Metallurgical Process Costs, W.T. Ruhmer, Mintek Special Publication No:14 , Printed and published by Mintek1991, S. Africa
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