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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Detay Tasarımı ve Strüktür Konseptinin Entegrasyonu
English Integra.Detail Desi.&Stru.Con.
Course Code
CKY 551E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Fatih Yazıcıoğlu
Course Objectives 1. To explain that the architectural technology, detail and structural design related subjects of the architectural design process should be studied together with an integrated approach.
2. To give information about the rational and methodical approaches of detail design which has a multi-dimensional structure.
3. To give information about the computer software related with the structural design.
4. To make students understand that there is a need for specialists who may be a link between the architects and related engineers.
Course Description Architectural technology and detail design concept, input and design methods.
Detailed analysis and integration of physical, social regulatory, humane related input.
Physical interfaces, detailing, specifying, informing and assembling the parts concepts about design in architectural technology.
Basic principles, approaches and calculation techniques about the structural design.
3D design with a structural analysis software.
Course Outcomes M.Sc. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
1. To gain the ability of using the theoretical and application based knowledge about architectural technology detail and structural design which was obtained before.
2. To gain the ability of studying the architectural technology related knowledge together in specialist level and to generate unique methods for the usage of knowledge.
3. To analyse and to generate new methods of architectural technology, detail and structural design in different physical, social legislative environments.
4. To understand the function and responsibilities of different specialists of the architectural design process and to gain the ability of finding new solutions by using scientific research methods for the possible problems which may emerge during the integration process of those different fields.
Required Facilities
Textbook Allen, E. And Rand, P. (2007). Archıtectural Detaılıng: Functıon, Constructability, Aesthetics, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Other References Emmitt, S., (2012). Architectural Technology, John Wiley & Sons, Oxford, UK
Emmitt, S. And Yeomans, D. T., (2001). Specifying Buildings, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK
Emmitt, S. And Gorse, C. (2003). Construction Communication, Blackwell, UK.
Allen, E. And Rand, P. (2007). Archıtectural Detaılıng: Functıon, Constructability, Aesthetics, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
Fleming, E. (2005). Construction Technology An Illustrated Introduction, Blackwell, Oxford, UK
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