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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Endüstriyel Tasarımda Kullanılabilirlik
English Usability in Industrial Design
Course Code
EUT 559 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Ekrem Cem Alppay
Course Objectives 1.To gain knowledge about the concept of usability and its basic principles and their place and importance in industrial design practice and research
2.To gain knowledge and experience on the methods used in usability research
3.To gain the ability of selection of appropriate usability methods for the assessment of industrial design project processes and outputs
4.Adapting of usability methods used in other fields into the industrial design field.
5.To gain knowledge about user-centered design approaches in industrial design practice and research.
Course Description The concept of usability and its relation with human factors field. Definitions of usability and its basic concepts. Usability engineering lifecycle, design for usability.
Usability methods in industrial design:
Cognitive modeling methods, Inspection methods, Inquiry methods, Prototyping methods, Testing methods. Kansei engineering.
User-centered design approaches: Cooperative design and participatory design, contextual design, Focus groups, Paper prototyping technique
User interfaces; user-interface standards
Course Outcomes M.Sc. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;
1.Knowledge about current research topics and trends in usability research
2.Ability to select the appropriate usability methods and to discuss and apply them into industrial design research problems,
3.Detailed knowledge and experience about a specific method
4.Ability to examine and criticize industrial design applications and research processes
5.Ability to plan and conduct a field study
Required Facilities
Other References Johnson J., 2010, Designing with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules, Kaufmann, California.
Jordan P., Thomas B., Weerdmeister B., McClelland I., 1996, Usability Evaluation in Industry, Londra, Taylor&Francis
Jordan P., 1998, An Introduction to Usability, Londra, Taylor&Francis
Marcus A., 2013, Design, User Experience, and Usability: Web, Mobile, and Product Design: Second International Conference, DUXU 2013, Held as Part of HCI International ... Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI), Springer
Mendoza A., Mobile User Experience: Patterns to Make Sense of it All, Morgan Kaufmann
Nielsen J., 1993, Usability Engineering, Morgan Kaufmann, San Diego, CA
Norman D., 2013, The Design of Everyday Things: Revised and Expanded Edition, Basic Books, New York
Tullis T., Albert W., 2008, Measuring the User Experience: Collecting, Analyzing, and Presenting Usability Metrics (Interactive Technologies) 1st Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, Burlington, MA
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