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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Introduction to photovoltaic (PV) systems. Historical development of PV systems. Overview of PV usage in the world,
Solar energy potential for PV, irradiance, solar radiation and spectrum of sun, geometric and atmospheric effects on sunlight,
Photovoltaic effect, conversion of solar energy into electrical energy, behavior of solar cells,
Solar cells, basic structure and characteristics: Single-crystalline, multi-crystalline, thin film silicon solar cells, emerging new technologies,
Electrical characteristics of the solar cell, mathematical model and equivalent circuit, modeling of solar cells including the effects of temperature, irradiation and series/shunt resistances on the open-circuit voltage and short-circuit current,
Solar cell arrays, PV modules, PV generators, shadow effects and bypass diodes, hot spot problem in a PV module and safe operating area. Terrestrial PV module modeling,
Interfacing PV modules to loads, direct connection of loads to PV modules, connection of PV modules to a battery and load together,
Power conditioning and maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms based on buck- and boost-converter topologies,
Maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms,
Energy storage alternatives for PV systems. Storage batteries, lead-acid, nickel-cadmium, nickel-metal-hydride and lithium type batteries. Small storage systems employing ultracapacitors, charging and discharging properties and modeling of batteries,
Inverter control topologies for stand-alone and grid-connected operation. Analysis of inverter at fundamental frequency and at switching frequency. Feasible operating region of inverter at different power factor values for grid-connected systems, islanding prevention methods,
Stand-alone PV systems. Consumer applications, residential systems, PV water pumping, PV powered lighting, rural electrification, etc.,
Grid-connected (utility interactive) PV systems. Active power filtering with real power injection, microinverters
Modeling and simulation of complete stand-alone and grid-connected PV systems.
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