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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Akıllı Polimerik Malzemeler
English Smart Polymeric Materials
Course Code
KIM 621E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Oğuz Okay
Course Objectives 1) Develop an essential understanding of structure-property relationship of smart polymeric materials as well as their use in practical applications;
2) Develop student's capability to design functional structures using smart and self-healing polymeric materials;
3) Provide students an opportunity to learn new knowledge from the behavior of natural biological systems.
Course Description Classical versus smart materials, Biomimetic materials research, Self-healing mechanisms in biological systems, Smart wormlike surfactants, Smart polymers and gels, Reversible polymer networks, Macroporous responsive polymers, Drug delivery using smart polymers, Gels for sensors and actuators, Shapememory, Self-healing strategies, Damage and healing theories, Artificial self-healing systems, Fracture mechanics of polymeric materials, Self-healing in thermoplastic and thermoset materials, Self-healing smart hydrogels.
Course Outcomes Ph.D. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skills and competency in the following subjects;
1- Structure-property relationships of smart polymeric materials
2- Biomimetic materials research: What can we learn from nature’s structural materials,
3- Self-healing strategies in natural materials,
4- Design principles of smart and self-healing polymeric materials,
5- Smart gels and their application areas
6- Self-assembly systems including micelles and reversible networks
Pre-requisite(s) Candidates holding a BS or MS. degree in Chemistry, Physics, Biology, Pharmacy, and in any of the engineering programs are eligible to register to the course.
Required Facilities
Other References ) Smart Polymers: Applications in biotechnology and biomedicine. I. Galaev, B. Mattiasson. CRC Press, New York, 2008

2) Hydrogel Sensors and Actuators. G. Gerlach, K. F. Arndt. Springer, 2009

3) Self Healing Materials: An Alternative Approach to 20 Centuries of Materials Science. S. van der Zwaag, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007.

4) Macroporous Polymers. Production, Properties and Biotechnological/Biomedical Applications. CRC Press, New York, 2010.

5) Scientific papers on smart and self-healing materials published within the last 10 years.
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