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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çevrenin Sosyolojisi
English Sociology of the Environment
Course Code
BTT 513E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Aslı Erbil
Course Objectives 1. To introduce topics related to science, technology and society in environmental sociology context,
2. To provide knowledge about classic and contemporary environmental sociology theories and to facilitate connections between these issues with science, technology and society subjects,
3. To discuss management of the risksarise from environmental factors via science and technology policies,
4. To discuss the social and global effects of science and technology developments.
Course Description Science, technology and society relations and environmental sociology, key concepts of environmental sociology, social factors affecting social disorganization, impact of science and technology on nature and society, consequences of environmental crisis on society, risks and natural disasters, societal reactions and environmental movements.
Course Outcomes Students who succeed in this course will improve their ability to;
1. Evaluate science, technology and society subjects in environmental sociology context,
2. Gain knowledge about classic and contemporary environmental sociology theories, and interrelate this knowledge with science, technology and society subjects,
3. Do risk evaluations of environmental factors,
4. Explain how transformations in science and technology have led to changing perceptions of nature and environment.
Required Facilities
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