Hoş Geldiniz, Misafir . Oturum Aç . English
Neredeyim: Ninova / Dersler / Maden Fakültesi / JEO 204E / Dersin Haftalık Planı

Dersin Haftalık Planı

Hafta Konu
1 1. Hafta

INTRODUCTION to Petrography of Magmatic & Metamorphic Rocks

Subjects covered: requirements of the course, description of igneous (magmatic) rocks, a subdivision of magmatic rocks into intrusive (plutonic) and extrusive (volcanic) rocks. Difference between magma and lava. Explanation of the terms “petrography, petrology, and petrogenesis”. Field studies: how, where and for which aim do we (the geologists) collect rock samples? Preparation of rocks for petrographic studies: cutting, slicing, and polishing the rocks, turning them into thin sections for petrographic studies. Polarized microscopes. Advanced techniques used in petrological studies: types of geochemical analyses and analytical equipment used for the analyses of rock samples. Introducing the teaching material used in this course.
SLIDE: 01__ITU__Petro_Mag_Met_Rocks___INTRODUCTION.pdf

Optional reading:
Chapter 1 of Frost and Frost (2014). Pages: 1-2. (2 pages).
Chapter 1 of Winter (2014) book. Pages: 1-22.
Chapter 1 of Gautam Sen's (2014) Petrology book, Pages: 1 to 18. entitled: "Introduction" (18 p).
2 2. Hafta

Intrusive & Extrusive Magmatic Rock Structures

Subjects covered:
Intrusive rock structures: batholiths, stocks, sills, dykes, laccoliths, lopoliths, and magmatic veins. Ring dykes and cone sheets. Classification of Plutons in Relation to Geologic Events: pre-, syn- and post-tectonic plutons. Classification of plutons according to their emplacement depths: Catazone, Mesozone, Epizone intrusives. Contact metamorphism around the plutons. Compositional zonations in plutons & magma chambers.
Extrusive Magmatic Rock Structures
3 3. Hafta

Magma nerede ve nasıl oluşur? Magma oluşumunun levha tektoniği ile ilgisi
Yer içi ve mantoda yüksek basın polimorfizması
4 4. Hafta

Magmaların ayırımlaşması ve magmatik süreçler
5 5. Hafta

Classification & nomenclature of magmatic rocks
6 6. Hafta

Petrography of ULTRAMAFIC Magmatic Rocks / Ophiolites
7 7. Hafta

Petrography of Basic INTRUSIVE rocks: Gabbro-Norite
8 8. Hafta

Petrography of Basic EXTRUSIVE rocks: Basalt clan
9 9. Hafta

Petrography of intermediate intrusive (plutonic) rocks: Diorite-Andesite, Monzonite-Latite, Syenite-Trachyte
10 10th Week

Title: Petrography of intermediate extrusive (volcanic) rocks: Trachyte, Andesite, and Latite.
11 11. hafta

Asit İNTRÜZİF (plütonik) kayalar: Granitoidler
12 12. Hafta

Asit EKSTÜZİF (volkanik) kayalar
13 13. Hafta

Silise doyumsuz İNTRÜZİF (plütonik) kayalar
14 14. Hafta

Silise doyumsuz EKSTÜZİF (volkanik) kayalar
Dersler . Yardım . Hakkında
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