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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Iç Mim.Tarih,Kuram &Elştri III
English History,Theory and criticism in Interior Architecture III
Course Code
ICM 226 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Deniz Çalışır Pençe
Course Objectives Bu dersi başarıyla tamamlayan öğrenciler aşağıdaki bilgi, beceri ve yetkinlikleri kazanır;
I. Mekanı biçimlendiren coğrafi, tarihsel, sosyo-kültürel, ideolojik, politik, ekonomik ve dînî değişkenlerin rolü hakkında bilgi,
II. Tarihi süreç içerisinde, farklı uygarlıklara/dönemlere ait seçilmiş mekan örneklerini, iç mimari bileşenler bağlamında değerlendirme bilgi ve becerisi,
III. Mimarlık-iç mimarlık ortamını/kuramlarını oluşturan düşünsel arkaplanı sorgulama becerisi,
IV. İlgili konularda araştırma yapma becerisi,
V. Eleştirel okuma, düşünme ve ifade becerisi
Course Description Dealing with different approaches of world civilizations to “space” through examples (from seventeenth century till the end of nineteenth century); terminology and conceptual background, theory and criticism, intercultural relations and interactions; traditions in the history of interior design, continuities and breaking points, comparative analysis of interior architecture examples and a critical evaluation
Course Outcomes Students who successfully pass this course gain the following knowledge, skills and the competencies ;
I. the role of geographical, historical, socio-cultural, ideological, political, economic and religious variables which form the space
II. the ability to assess the selected samples of ?space? samples from different civilizations through out the history, in the context of interior architectural components
III. capasity of questioning the intellectual background which shape the architectural-interior architectural environment and theories
IV. the ability to make research on related topics
V. skill of critical reading, thinking and expressing
Required Facilities
Other References Kuban, D., 2007. Osmanlı Mimarisi, YEM Yayınevi, İstanbul.
Minor, V.H., 1999, Baroque & Rococo : art & culture, Harry N. Abrams,
Kuban, D., 1958. Osmanlı Dini Mimarisinde İç Mekân Teşekkülü, İTÜ Yayınları,. İstanbul.
Sutherland Harris, A., 2005, Seventeenth-Century Art & Architecture, Laurence King Publisher, Londra
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