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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Uygulama Projesi
English Construction Project
Course Code
MIM 431 Credit Lecture
Semester 7
5 2 6 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Elçin Filiz Taş
Course Objectives 1. Subsystem development in accordance with building function, Impartment of the skill for
finding architectural solutions with consideration to technical and legislative factors as well as
aesthetical, in the process of integration establishment between subsystems.
2. Teaching how to select building materials.
3. Achieving the development of detail projects at all scales for building elements and the
preparation of a design completed for construction.
Course Description Uygulama projesi kapsamında yapı, yapım, çevre kontrolü sistemleri ve proje yönetimi.
Tasarımın yapılabilirliğinin geçerli yapı mevzuatına göre oluşturulması(deprem yönetmeliği, ısı
korunumu yönetmeliği, gürültü kontrol yönetmeliği v.b.).Yapı alt sistemleriyle ilgili statik,sıhhi
tesisat, mekanik ve elektrik donatımı sistemlerinin mimari proje ile bütünleştirilmesi. Her bir
tasarım aşamasının (ön proje, kesin proje ve uygulama projesinin) gerektirdiği farklı anlatım
tekniklerinin Bayındırlık ve İskan Bakanlığı tarafından proje düzenleme esaslarına uygun olarak
Course Outcomes 1. Understanding of the principles of sustainable design
2. Understanding of structural systems and their application principles
3. Understanding of the basic principles, the appropriate application and performance of
environmental systems
4. Understanding of the basic principles, appropriate application and performance of building
envelope materials and assemblies
5. Understanding of the basic principles, appropriate application and performance of building
service systems
6. Ability of building systems integration
7. Understanding of the basic principles, appropriate application and performance of construction
materials, products, components, and assemblies
8. Ability of technical documentation
9. Ability to produce a comprehensive design
Pre-requisite(s) (MIM 232 MIN DD or MIM 232E MIN DD) and (MIM 242 MIN DD
or MIM 242E MIN DD) and (MIM 244 MIN DD or MIM 244E MIN DD)
Required Facilities
Other References
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