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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İstatistik
English Evaluat.of Statis.Data in Dsgn
Course Code
SBP 205E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - 1
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Hüseyin Murat Çelik
Burak Belli
Mehmet Ronael
Course Objectives 1. sayısal bilginin günlük kullanımını öğrenmek,
2. İstatsiksel yöntemlerin sayısal yorumunu geliştirmek
3. İstatissel yyöntemlerin temelini öğretmek
4. komplex verinin sunumunu ve görselleştirmesini öğretmek
Course Description Having knowledge in statistics for practioners in the field of urban and regional planning is a necessity. Statistics is a broad field that covers techniques for understanding a wide range of issues that may be encountered in investiating the real world around us. The use of statistical tools is becoming more important as new technologies and means of collecting data are scientific should be used with care and caution. In this course we will be covering the basic techniques in interpreting data.
Course Outcomes 1. to be able to use statistical tecniques properly.
2. to be able to desing a survey and interpret its results accordingly
3. to be proficient in statistical and quantitative reasoning.
Required Facilities
Textbook Statistics: a first course,(2004) Freund J.E. and Perles B. M.
Other References
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