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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Özürlüler ve Yaş.İçin Çev.Tas
English Environmental Design for the Disabled and Elderly
Course Code
MIM 461 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Göksenin İnalhan
Göksenin İnalhan
Course Objectives 1.To learn the suitable architecture and urban design in the built environment for
the disabled and elderly
2.To pay attention to the social circumstances for the social integration of the
disabled and elderly
3.To help obtaining the modern standarts for a developed urban physical
environment for the disabled and elderly
4.To gain a design philosophy which supports to minimize the risks in daily life
5.To give the design principles of the vehicles, aids, materials, equipments and
furnitures that make the life easier
Course Description Basic knowledge on disability and elderly people; social, psychological and
demographic situation; the kinds of disability, accessories, equipments and
building elements for the disabled and elderly; building and home design for
the disabled and elderly; contempoarary standarts; new standards and design
creteria of the urban environment for the disabled and elderly.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. take better care of the needs of the disabled and elderly people
2. gain a developed social architectural concept
3. understand the importance of the activities of non-governmental organisations and
municipal foundations
4. have a more realistic horizon for the urban and transportation systems
5. obtain new points of view for the accessible environment design of the spaces and things
6. prefer to design such a way to give priority to prevent accidents and hazards in daily life
7. choose mostly "Design for all" considerations in shaping the accessible human environment
8. trace wrong design criteria in industrial design and identify good and bad construction
applications in city sites
Pre-requisite(s) NONE
Required Facilities NONE
Other Some visits to some associations and foundations that work
for the disabled and elderly, some sites and some establishments
Other References
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