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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Parametrik Katı Modelleme ve Tasarım
English Parametric Solid Modeling and Design
Course Code
ENT 230E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 1 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ekrem Cem Alppay
Course Objectives 1.Gaining knowledge and experience about computer aided solid modeling processes and applications
2.Gain knowledge and experience about parametric design approaches
3.Gain knowledge and experience of multidisciplinary, analytical and layered approaches to product design
4.Gaining the ability to develop designs in digital environment with part and assembly approaches
5.To gain the ability to use production analysis and animations in the design process
Course Description The concept of computer aided solid modeling, the concept and principles of parametric design and modeling, parts and assembly relations, the role of feature manager design trees in the design process, the design of non-complex products, the design and modeling of complex products, the concept of assembly and various assembly approaches, plastics material-centered design and analysis, sheet metal-centered design and modeling, motion anlaysis and animation, photo-realistic visualization
Course Outcomes Students will be able to,
1. Understand the mathematical fundamentals of 3D modeling, and learn the basic concepts
2. Gain knowledge about advanced modeling techniques
3. Develop forms that are producible
4. Able to structure design modeling processes using parametric techniques
5. Able to test design in a digital environment
Required Facilities
Textbook Tickoo S., 2019, SolidWorks 20139for Designers, CADCIM Technologies, Schererville, USA
Other References Planchard D., 2014, Solidworks 2014 Tutorial with Video Instruction, SDC Publications, Mission, USA
Tran P., 2014, SolidWorks 2014 Part I - Basic Tools, SDC Publications, Mission, USA
Tran P., 2014, SolidWorks 2014 Part II – Advanced Techniques, SDC Publications, Mission, USA
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