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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Introduction and explanation of the course content. Theoretical and historical information: Animation examples over time, types of animation. Creating a flipbook.
2 Film and animation film information. Synopsis, scenario, storyboard, layout. Writing a scenario for a short film by the students.
3 NURBS modelling: Creating simple and complex objects.
4 Subdivision modelling: Creating organic objects.
5 Polygon modelling: Stage design and modelling. Creating the objects and stages for the short film.
6 Polygon modelling: Character design and modelling. Creating the characters for the short film.
7 Texturing. Using auxiliary programs together with the 3d program. Texturing the short film
8 Introduction to animation: Timing. Bounce, squash, stretch. Deformations. Camera motion
9 Animation: Secondary motion. Acceleration, deceleration. Keyframes. Creating the animations for the short film
10 Introduction to effects: Paint effects, soft bodies, particles
11 Light information and lighting.
12 Rendering information: Basic parameters
13 Rendering information: Advanced techniques. The implemetation of these techniques to the short film
14 Editing, sound, music. Critique of the short film.
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