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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Proje II (Yerleşim Analizi)
English Project II
Course Code
SBP 112 Credit Lecture
Semester 2
4 2 4 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Hasan Serdar Kaya
Course Objectives 1 - Yerleşmelerde var olan doğal, sosyal ve yapılaşmış çevre,
2 - Planlama ve tasarım süreçlerinin her aşamasında bilgi toplama, veri üretme, analiz tekniklerini kullanabilme, problem tanımlama ve sentez yapma,
3 - Farklı büyüklükteki yerleşmelere, farklı açılardan bakabilme, mekansal değerlendirmeleri farklı rollerde algılama, tanımlama ve ifade etme,
4 - Mesleki konularda anlatımları teknik dille ifade edebilme, yazabilme ve etkin anlatım geliştirme,
5 - Planlamada geliştirilen kararları, ulusal ve uluslar arası kabulleri de dikkate alarak ve farklı teknikleri kullanarak biçimsel olarak ifade edebilme, bu kapsamda uygun teknolojiler ve yöntemler kullanabilme,
6 - İki ve üç boyutlu mekansal organizasyon, doku, görsel algı, yorumlama, tasarım bileşenleri ve sistemlerinin oluşumu, gelişimi ve uygulamalarını ifadelendirme konularında bilgi ve becerilerini kazanır.
Course Description Graphical representation, of settlement qualities, graphical representation of building order, pattern analysis, concept of density, open spaces among the blocks and public spaces of the settlement developed following the studies held at Project 1, at 1/500 and 1/1000 scales; cognitive mapping in a lived environment; perceptions on structure, meaning, function, identity, evaluation and ability of representation.
Course Outcomes 1 - Have knowledge and skills as Natural, social and structural environments which exist in the settlements,
2 - Every stage of planning and design process, gathering data, producing data, usage of analysing techniques, defining problem and synthesizing,
3 - The ability of multi-perspective analysis on different scale settlements, sensing the spatial assessments from different perspectives, perception, defining and expressing,
4 - Verbal and written expressions of the subjects in a professional way, and developing the skills of efficient expression,
5 - Graphic expression of the decisions developed in planning process with different techniques by considering the national and international standards, in this case developing the skills of using the appropriate methods and technologies,
6 - Spatial organization in 2D and 3D, pattern, visual sense, criticism, elements of design and expressing the existing situation, development and system application
Required Facilities
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