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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tasarımda İnsan Faktörleri
English Human Factors inProduct Design
Course Code
EUT 272E Credit Lecture
Semester 4
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Ekrem Cem Alppay
Course Objectives 1. To transfer data about user differences to the design process
2. To provide the ability of thinking and analyze the products as man-machine systems
3. To provide the ability to use data collection methods about users in a product design project
4. To provide the ability to design products by considering natural skills and limitations of users
Course Description The concept of system and types of systems. Human dimensions and the concept of anthropometry and its applications in design. Biomechanical skills, physical work ergonomics. Basic principles in hand tool design. Foot and the ergonomics and dynamics of walking and running. Physical environmental conditions. Design for disabled users. Information ergonomics and information processing. Controls and displays. The concept of interface and arrangement of product interfaces. Human computer interaction.
Course Outcomes Dersi alan öğrenci
1. Ürün kullanıcı ilişkisini sistemci bir yaklaşımla insan merkezli olarak analiz edebilecektir,
2. Kullanıcılar hakkında veri toplama ve tasarım sürecine aktarabilecektir,
3. Tasarıma insan merkezli olarak yaklaşabilecektir,
4. Verimlilik, güvenlik ve fizikse/psikolojik konfor kavramlarını tasarım sürecine uygulayacaktır,
5. Tasarım problemlerine pozitif bilimler açısından yaklaşbilecektir.
Required Facilities
Textbook Salvendy G.,2012, Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics, Wiley
Other References Cacha C., 1999, Ergonomics and safety in hand tool design, CRC.
Kroemer K., 2005, Extra-ordinary ergonomics: How to accommodate small and big persons the disabled and elderly expectant mothers and children, CRC Press, Roca Barton, USA
McCauley-Bush P., 2011, Ergonomics: Foundational Principles, Applications, and Technologies, CRC Press, Ergonomics: Foundational Principles, Applications, and Technologies
Pheasant , S. 2005, Body space-anthropometry, ergonomics and the design of work: Third Edition Taylor&Francis
Tillman B., Tillman P., 2014, Human factors design handbook, Mc Graw Hill, NY, USA
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