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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Görsel Tasarım
English Visual Design
Course Code
EUT 448E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Fatma Pınar Özemir
Course Objectives 1. Obtaining the effective development of the design student in parallel to the skills of perception, observation that promise visual knowledge.
2. Teaching the techniques of analysis, interpretation, abstraction and visualization with perceptive mental processes that have an important role in design education.
Course Description Visual communication. Visual Literacy. Visual language. Visual perception. The visual elements of design: Form. Solids and cavities, the superimposition of form, light and dark, textural effects, colour, Visual Design Principles: unity, balance, rhythm, proportion and perceptual order, The principles of composition, The gestalt theory of visual expression ,Visual Narratives, Visual Design and Popular Culture.
Course Outcomes Student, who passed the course satisfactorily can:
1. Develop a holistic approach to design issues.
2. Gain a visual literacy via the concepts of perception and affection.
3. Learn the ways of creative thinking through visual symbols and metaphors.
4. Learn the ways to transform creative thinking into critical thinking.
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