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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Mimarlık Konuları
English Content of Architecture
Course Code
MIM 392 Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 - 3 -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Gülçin Pulat Gökmen
Course Objectives To emphasize the relation of architecture and other creations of human mind as a whole

Awakening and motivating the future minds by means of surrealistic realities,

Producing models, experimental short films and performances like a whole manifest of life, which will encourage them to feel themselves ready to enlarge both intellectual and constructive fields of art, architecture and life.
Course Description Taking architecture as the main subject in between the relations of all human related
happenings, To be aware of the wholeness of all the productions of life and construct new relations between unrelated ideas, things and subjects, To provoke the future minds to use their potentials for enlarging the areas of architecture, life and society, To produce models, short films, experimental manifests or performances with given unexpected subjects and formats, Awakening and motivating them by means of surrealistic realities to provoke a manifestal unity.
Course Outcomes 1-Personal awakening, becoming aware of own capacities about intellectual being,
2-Recognizing that one can produce provacating ideas every week through producing experimental short films, and models
3-Discovering new ways of self expression and representing ideas,
4-Experimenting the power of enjoying the differences, the uniqueness of each future mind attending the course or outside,
5-Discovering to be happy about being themselves and asking questions to surrounding world as well as being able to recognize and construct new relations, and being able to produce their own motivation resources.
Required Facilities
Textbook Bouman, Ole, Toorn Roemer van, The İnvisible in Architecture, AD Academy Editions, London, 1994
Other References Mical, Thomas, (Ed.), Surrealism and Architecture, Routledge, London, 2005

Wilson, Colin St John, Architectural Reflections –Studies in the Philosophy and Practice of Architecture, Butterworth Architecture, Oxford, 1992

Goldhagen, Sarah Williams, Legault Réjean, (Ed.), Anxious Modernisms -Experimentation in Postwar Architectural Culture, The MIT Press, Cambridge, Massachusets, 2000

Foster, Hall, Krauss, Rosalind, Bois, Yve-Alain, Buchloh Benjamin, Arts Since 1900 –Modernism, Antimodernism, Postmodernism, Thames and Hudson, London, 2004

Ferguson, Russel, (Ed.), Out of Action –between Performance and the Object 1949-1979, Thames and Hudson, London, 1998
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