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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Sürdürülebilirlikte Mesleklerin Rolü
English Role of Prof.in Sustainability
Course Code
SBP 103E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Azime Tezer
Cemile Tiftik
Gülşen Aytaç
Elif Küçüksayraç
Course Objectives Integrating the concept of sustainability policy from regional scale to human scale with production, consumption and recycling processes in settlements, architecture and interior spaces; in this context, emphasizing the concept as a socio-economic and cultural element/principle and giving priority to be addressed in design and planning processes; and improving the awareness of sustainability with conceptual, practical information, relevant cases and participants; strengthening the capacity of students to integrate diverse social, environmental and economic conditions with sustainable design alternatives by encouraging their own innovative ways.
Course Description 1. Sustainability in the context of spatial planning,
2. Global urbanization dynamics (urbanization in developing countries and developed countries), reasons of urbanization, sustainability at the urban scale and the role of Green Urbanism,
3. Landscape characteristics and their relations with sustainable development,
4. Improving the efficiency of spatial planning tools for the integration of sustainability,
5. Comprehensive understanding of building systems including investigation of integrated design approaches and technologies that are required to construct environmentally responsive architecture,
6. Investigation of cultural drivers requiring natural and environmental conscious building systems to be developed within the complex social and political context of architectural (design) practice.
7. Production-consumption-recycle dynamics, ecology and deep ecology concepts, integration of design and planning objectives with natural and cultural values, open-ended design,
8. Concepts of sustainability and ecology, sustainable design and assessment in the scale of interior space, recycle and reuse.
9. The role and use of industrial design for social innovation and sustainability,
Course Outcomes 1. Gain theoretical and practical knowledge about sustainability, environment and ecology in the context of different disciplines’ perspectives and approaches,
2. Gain knowledge, skill and competency in understanding about the fundamental concepts of spatial planning and design disciplines for sustainability and social innovation,
3. Gain information and competency for inter-disciplinary interaction context of sustainability,
4. Develop innovative ideas supporting ecological planning and design approaches,
5. Gain knowledge about the effects of the building/construction on environment, human performance/well-being, and the physiological properties needed in the framework of interior space quality,
6. Understand and read diverse resources and assessment tools related to sustainability with a critical review approach,
7. Improve their knowledge level in design practice through professional design, ethic and value theories,
8. Improve their understanding and assessment competency on sustainable design tools and validation methodologies.
Pre-requisite(s) There is no prerequisite of the course.
Required Facilities
Textbook Wheeler, S.M., Beatley T. 2014. Sustainable Urban Development Reader, Routledge, New York.
Other References Almy, D. 2007. On Landscape Urbanism, Center for American Architecture and Design, Canada.
Condon, P.M. 2010. Seven Rules for Sustainable Communities, Island Press, Washington.
Coyle, S. 2011. Sustainable and Resilient Communities: A Comprehensive Action Plan for Towns, Cities and Regions, Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Farr, D. 2008. Sustainable Urbanism Urban Design with Nature, Wiley & Sons, New Jersey.
Iyengar, K., (2015). Sustainable Architectural Design, an overview ,Routledge, New York
Layton, J.R., 2005. Redux: designs that reuse, recycle, and reveal, Gibbs Smith,, Utah.
Lehmann, S. 2010. The Principals of Green Urbanism: Transforming The City for Sustainability, Earthscan Ltd, London.
Papanek, V.2003. The Green Imperative – Ecology and Ethics in Design and Architecture, Thames & Hudson, London.
Sian Moxon, S., 2012. Sustainability in Interior Design, Laurence King Publishing, London.
Thackara, J. 2005. In the Bubble: Designing in a Complex World, MIT Press.
Walker, S. 2007. Sustainable by Design – Exploration in Theory and Practice, Earthscan Publishes, London.
Wiafe, D.E., Arku, S.F. (Eds), 2015. Sustainable utilization and management off natural resources in the era of climate change, Imprint Nova Publishers, New York.
Williams, D., Orr, D.W., 2007. Sustainable Design: Ecology, Architecture, and Planning, Wiley.
Winchip, S., 2012. Sustainable Design for Interior Environments, Fairchild Books, New York.
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