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SBP 232E
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Course Name
Şehir Tarihi
The City in History
Course Code
SBP 232E
Course Language
Course Coordinator
Ayşe Sema Kubat
Course Objectives
Studying the history of cities from the earliest civilizations and learning the cultural, historical, political, social and economic factors that effect the formation of the cities, will be a guide for the planning of the cities in future.
Course Description
The early cities and the earliest civilizations; Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Anatolian, Indian, Chinese, Mexican, Central American, Peruvian. Emergence of Greek civilization. Greek urbanism. Roman urban planning. Roman imperial urbanism. Medieval towns; effects of religion and revival of commerce, Feudalism, Medieval industry. Elements of the Medieval towns. Medieval Islamic cities. The roots of Islamic culture and seülements. Renaissance urbanism. Effects of the Industrial revolution. Ideal towns and worker towns. Planned Industrial Towns. The Garden City movement Urban USA and American experience. Evolution of Modern era and the roots of Modern concepts. Defınition of Post-Modernism, Post-Modern urbanism. Lookinq into the future.
Course Outcomes
Students who pass the course will be able to:
1. The Structure and Function of Urban Settlements
2. Evolution of cities and the history of urbanism
3. The planning approaches are developed and accepted from historical periods to nowadays.
4. The effect of traditional patterns (social, physical and economical) on planning
5. The effect of natural data on the on the settlement forms and patterns
6. Socio-cultural structure, the necessity of characterizing demands of the different cultural structures.
7. Effects of technological changes on the organization of urban areas, the planning concept and techniques which are developing according to modern needs.
8. System and constitutional differences in the cities of different time periods, their planning concepts and reflections on their morphological structures, the concept and method of planning for these cities.
9. Considering the current state of the urban area, interpreting the planed-unplanned developments, considering the spatial organizations which have been done/developed/implemented by the others.
Required Facilities
1. * Bacon, Edmund. (1967). Design of cities. London: Thames & Hudson.
2. Benevelo, Leonardo. (1980). The history of the city. The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts, London.
3. * Cuthbert, Alexander R. (2006). The form of cities: Political economy & urban design. Malden, MA; Oxford : Blackwell Pub.
4. * Giruard, Mark. (1985). Cities and people. New Haven: Yale University Press.
5. * Gutkind, Erwin Anton. (1964). International history of city development - Vol 1-8, London: Collier-Macmillan Limited.
6. Hakim, Besim S. (1986). Arabic and Islamic cities: Building and planning principles. London: Routledge
7. * Jellicoe, Geoffrey and Jellicoe, Susan. (1975, 1995). The landscape of man. London: Thames and Hudson.
8. * Kostof, Spiro. (1991). The city shaped: Urban patterns and meanings through history. Boston: Little, Brown and Co.
9. Kostof, Spiro. (1992). The city assembled: The elements of urban form through history. Boston: Little, Brown.
10. Lynch, Kevin. (1981). A theory of good city form. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
11. Morris, A. Edwin James. (1994). History of urban form: Before the industrial revolution. Harlow: Addison Wesley Longman.
12. * Moughtin, Cliff. (1992, 2003). Urban Design: Street and Square. Oxford: Butterworth Architecture.
13. * Mumford, Lewis. (1961, 1991). The city in history. London: Secker & Warburg.
14. * Spreiregen, Paul D. (1965). Urban design: The architecture of towns and cities. New York: McGraw-Hill.
15. * Vance, James E. (1990). The continuing city: Urban morphology in Western Civilization. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.
16. Bianca, Stefano. (2000) Urban Form in the Arab World: Past and Present. New York: Thame & Hudson
17. Holston, James. (1999) The Modernist City. Chicago Press: University of Chicago Press
18. LeCorbusier. (1929) “A Contemporary City: From the City of Tomorrow and its Planning”. Reprinted in Richard T. Gates (1996) The City Reader, New York: Routledge
Other References
1. Day, Robert A. (1996). Bilimsel bir makale nasıl yazılır ve yayımlanır? Translated from English by Gülay Aşkar Altay. Ankara: TÜBİTAK.
2. * Borden, Iain and Rüedi, Katerina. (2000). The dissertation: An architectural student's handbook. Oxford: Architectural Press.
3. * Kumar, Ranjit. (1999). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. London: Sage Pub.
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