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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Jeodezik Altyapı ve Ağlar
English Geodetic Infrastracture and Networks
Course Code
GEO 311E Credit Lecture
Semester 5
- 1 1 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Rahmi Nurhan Çelik
Course Objectives The aim of this course is to provide the students to gain the ability of planning,
measuring, establishing, and calculating global, regional, local, and particular
Students will also be equipped with the use of the knowledge about
1. Design a geodetic network or densification network according to realistic
criteria and geographical features
2. Setting up the relations between the reference coordinate systems used in
national networks
3. Complete the establishment stages of national triangulation, leveling, and
gravitational network
4. The use of satellite and space techniques in national networks
The use of any information about the Turkish National Triangulation, leveling and
gravitational network ((TUD-54, TUDKA-99, TTGA-99, TUTGA-99, TUSAGAAktive)
Course Description In this course, geodetic datum, geodetic reference networks: global, local, and
national networks, National Basic Geodetic networks: triangulation, leveling and
gravitational network concepts with the creating the national networks using
classical terrestrial and space techniques, horizontal control network: design,
establishment, measurement, adjustment using classical methods, densification of
horizontal control networks, particular densification applications (resection etc.),
vertical datum, triangulation network, vertical control network: design,
establishment, measurement, adjustment, and densification of vertical control
networks are focused. Subjects such as Turkish gravitational network: features,
measurements, and adjustment, ED-50, WGS-84, definition and transformation of
ITRF systems and datum, TUD-54, TUDKA-99, TTGA-99 and GNSS networks,
TUTGA-99, TUSAGA-Active and their functions in practice are the other subjects
of the course.
Course Outcomes 1 Characterizes the absolute and relative geodetic datum determination
methods by outlining the definition of geodetic datum
2 Explains the geodetic networks according to: surveying methods,
purpose of the network, and position in the hierarchy
3 Explains the features and functions of all of the basic geodetic networks
form the national geodetic infrastructure
4 Uses the standards, design principles, and establishment purposes of the
basic national geodetic networks
5 Composes the datum transformation between reference coordinate
systems on which the basic national geodetic networks positioned
6 Designs and employs the geodetic network observations using the
terrestrial and space technics and technologies to design, establish and
densify the geodetic networks
7 Operates the purpose of the geodetic network (or point) densification,
realization stages and related regulation requirements
8 Evaluates and solves the engineering problems according to regulations
where the solution is based on the geodetic networks.
Pre-requisite(s) -
Required Facilities
Textbook ? A Leick, 2004, GPS Satellite Surveying, Third Ed. John Wiley & Sons, Inc,
New York,
? G Bomford, 1952, Geodesy, Third Edition, Oxford University Press Amen
House, London,
? E. Ulsoy, 1984, Ülke Jeodezi Ağları, İ.T.Ü. Yayınları İstanbul.
? W. Torge, 1991, Geodesy, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin..
? P. Vanicek, E.J. Krakiwsky, 1986, Geodesy: The Concepts, Elsevier
Sciences Publ. Amsterdam..
Other References ? HKMO, Büyük Ölçekli Harita ve Harita Bilgileri Üretim Yönetmeliği, 2005
? ISO TC-211 Standartları
? G. Seeber, 1993, Satellite Geodesy, Satellite Geodesy, Springer Verlag,
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