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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish yer Bilimleri
English Earth Science
Course Code
CEV 104E Credit Lecture
Semester -
2 2 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Fatma Shaker Eldosouky
Fatma Shaker Eldosouky
Course Objectives Earth Science is a general science course, designed to educate you on basic concepts in geology such as the formation of minerals and rocks, weathering, erosion and soil formation, volcanic processes and causes of earthquakes, timing and rate of geological processes, elements of the earth structure and plate motions. In addition, we aim to teach the general frames of hydrogeology, mass movements, engineering properties of rocks and soils, material geology, and environmental geology. In the end, you will get a piece of basic knowledge on one of the natural sciences and the key for a great and intellectual world of understanding the earth and its systems.
Course Description Earth Science is an introductory survey of physical geology, historical geology, oceanography, meteorology, and astronomy. It relates the interaction of the earth sciences to the physical world.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities
Textbook Edward A. Keller, Environmental Geology (9th Edition). 624 pages. Publisher: Pearson Education, Inc. ISBN-13: 978-0-321-64375-9
• Carla W. Montgomery, Environmental geology. 9th ed.561 pages. Published by McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978–0–07–352408–5
• Charles C. Plummer, Diane H. Carlson, Lisa Hammersley, Physical geology. — 15th edition. 673 pages. Published by McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07-809610-5
• Tang, C. and Hudson, J. 2010. Rock Failure Mechanisms. CRC Press, 322p.
• Peng, S. and Zhang, J., 2007. Engineering Geology for Underground Rocks. Springer, 319 p.
• Waltham T., 2009. Foundations of Engineering Geology. Spon Press, 98 p. ISBN 0-203-89453-7 Master e-book ISBN
• Hoek, E. and Bray, J.W., 1981. Rock Slope Stability. IMM, London, 402p.
• Price D.G., 2009. Engineering Geology. Principles and Practice, Springer, 428p.
• Huggenberger P., Epting J., 2011. Urban Geology, Springer, 201p.
• Goodman, R.E. 1989. Introduction to Rock Mechanics. Wiley, 2nd ed., New York, 562p.
Other References Marshak, S. and Rauber, R.M., 2020. Earth Science: The Earth, the Atmosphere, and Space. WW Norton & Company.
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