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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Temel İşlemler ve Prosesler Laboratuvarı
English Unit Operations and Processes Laboratory
Course Code
CEV 304 Credit Lecture
Semester 6
2 - - 4
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Seval Sözen
Ayşe Erbil
Derya Yüksel İmer
Ayşe Bilsen Baykal
Tuğba Ölmez Hancı
Çiğdem Gömeç
Ebru Dülekgürgen
Serdar Doğruel
İdil Arslan Alaton
Course Objectives 1. To enable the students to better grasp the underlying principles as well as the operational aspects of the unit operations and processes of environmental engineering.
2. To provide a better understanding to the related design courses.
3. To improve the students’ abilities for analysis, evaluation and reporting by asking them to prepare detailed lab reports.
Course Description The course covers the laboratory applications in fundamental engineering and environmental pollution control topics of treatment technologies used in Environmental Engineering. Within this context, the unit operations, chemical processes and biological processes related to the mentioned area will be taken as a basis for the experimental applications.
Course Outcomes The successful student will be able to;
I. Apply the unit operations and processes used in water and wastewater treatment systems in laboratory scale,
II. Produce experimental data for the unit operations and processes which are the basis of the design and operation of water and wastewater treatment systems,
III. Evaluate and interpret the experimental data obtained
IV. Prepare the technical reports
V. Function in a team.
Pre-requisite(s) CEV 213 Çevre Mikrobiyolojisi or CEV 213E Environmental Microbiology
CEV 347 Temel İşlemler or CEV 347E Unit Operations
CEV 327 Kimyasal Prosesler or CEV 327E Chemical Processes
Required Facilities Infrastructure and lab facilities required for unit operations and processes laboratory applications
Textbook AEESP Environmental Engineering Processes Laboratory Manual (v0.1) (2001). Eds. S.E. Powers, J.J. Bisogni, J.G. Burken and K. Pagilla, Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors
(USA), Copyright 2001, AEESP, Champaign-IL, USA.
PROTOCOLS prepared by the instructors of the course
Other References 1. Tchobanoglous, G. Burton, F.L., Stensel, H.D. (2003). Wastewater Engineering: Treatment, andReuse by Metcalf & Eddy Inc., McGraw Hill, 4th Edition
2. Reynolds, T. and Richards, P., Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Engineering,Second Edition, PWS Publishing Company, Boston, 1996.
3. AWWA Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, 21st ed., AmericanPublic Health Association/American Water Works Association/Water Environment Federation,Washington, DC, 2005.
4. Hans Hermann Rump, Laboratory Manual for the Examination of Water, Wastewater and Soil,Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1999.
5. David W. Hendricks, Fundamentals of Water Treatment Unit Processes: Physical, Chemical andBiological. CRC Press, 2010.
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