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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Betonarme Temeller
English Reinforced Concrete Foundations
Course Code
INS 442 Credit Lecture
Semester 8
- 3 - -
Course Language Turkish
Course Coordinator Tülay Aksu Özkul
Course Objectives To provide the concepts for reinforced concrete foundations, To provide design information for civil engineering applications, To develop the students’ ability to use computers, participate in team jobs, do research and establish written and oral communication.
Course Description Classification of foundations, Genaral view to the shallow foundations, Special cases in the single foundations, Socked foundations for prefabricated columns, Cantilever foundations, Circular foundation, One-way countinuos foundations, Rigid foundation, Beams on elastic foundations, Foundation supporting columns and wall (energy methods, numerical solution methods), Considering the effect of superstructures, The reduction of adverse effect on the superstructure due to differantial settlement at the noddle points of foundation, Two-way continuous foundations, Solution methods, Energy methods, Mat (Flat and Ribbed) foundations, Definitions, Solution methods, The solution of ribbed mat foundations by using tables based on Orthorhopic Plate Theory, Numerical solution methods for mat foundations, Deep foundations, Definitions, Pile foundations.
Course Outcomes Students who pass the course gather knowledge on: Classification of foundations, Genaral view to the shallow foundations (single, socked, cantilever, circular, one-way countinuos, two-way continuous foundations, Considering the effect of superstructures, Mat (Flat and Ribbed) foundations, the solution of ribbed mat foundations by using tables based on Orthorhopic Plate Theory, numerical solution methods for mat foundations, Deep foundations, pile foundations.
Required Facilities
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