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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Temel Ölçme Bilgisi
English Fundamentals of Surveying
Course Code
GEO 103E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 2 2 -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Himmet Karaman
Course Objectives The aim of this course is to provide the students to explain the elementary level basic surveying concepts suitable for the related national (BÖHHBÜY) and international (ISO 19104) standards, to apply the related methods and basic surveying instruments (theodolite, level, total station, steel tape, etc.)
Course Description This is a course that focus on the surveying concepts and their integrated usage in different problems of geomatics engineering, and the realization of the surveying processes and related measurement and calculation with respect to national and international (ISO 19104) standards.
Course Outcomes 1 Defines the basic surveying terms and processes based on national and international (ISO 19104 (2008)) standards
2 Produce sketch, outline, plans with respect to national and international (ISO 19132 (2008)) standards
3 Produce the raw surveying data digitally for the positioning purposes based on the regulations
4 Calculates the standard deviations of the production results (length, angle and height measurements) based on the national (BÖHHBÜY) and international (ISOTC211) standards
5 Repeat, prepare and use the basic surveying instruments (theodolite, tape, plumb bob, etc.) for the digital production
6 Produce the raw digital height data based on the regulations
7 Process the digital and analogue raw data and calculates the coordinate and elevation data
8 Arrange the attribute data for the objects that he or she compiled or collect surveying data. Builds attributes for the details/objects that were created with respect to national and international (ISO 19110 (2006+A1 2011) standards
9 Builds the metadata structure for the measurement data that he or she compiled based on ISO 19115(2005)
Pre-requisite(s) None
Required Facilities Scientific Calculator, Turkish Mapping Regulations, ISO 191xx Standards
Textbook Charles D. Ghilani,Paul R. Wolf, “An Introduction to Geomatics”, Twelft Edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008, ISBN: 978-0-13-615431-0
Other References HKMO, production Regulation for Large Scale Map and Map Information, 2005
ISO TC-211 Standards
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