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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Civil Engineering / GEO 103E / Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Definitions, basic definitions, units of measurement, scales
2 Field sketch, Definitions and types of the control points according to large scaled map regulations, foundation and marking of the points
3 Length measurements, equipment and methods,
Electronic distance measurements and the reductions
Sources of errors in length measurements
4 Source and kinds of errors in surveying
5 Angles type and definitions,
Angle measurements, equipment and methods, sources of error in angle measurements
6 Basic angle and coordinate calculations (1., 2, 3. and 4. basic problems)
7 Definitions and types of traversing, measurements on the field
8 Computation of coordinates on the open and closed traverses
9 Computation of coordinates on the connected traverses
10 Definitions of the levelling, using of the levelling instruments,
Determination of heights of traverse points using geometric levelling,
Field applications
11 Trigonometric levelling,
Detail surveys and tacheometry,
Electronic tacheometry
12 Determination of heights of detail points using geometric leveling and tacheometry
13 Levelling methods on the open, closed and connected traverses
14 Tacheometry with Field coding, Orthogonal measurements, Gauss area computations
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