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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish İleri Veri Yapıları
English Advanced Data Structures
Course Code
BLG 381E Credit Lecture
Semester 1
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Zehra Çataltepe
Course Objectives 1. This course aims to introduce the structures and techniques which are necessary at advanced level courses of Computer Engineering education such as Data Base, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence.....
2. Ability to develop a program to solve a specific problem by using advanced data structures and interpret the obtained results
3. Ability to examine a given solution based on the techniques learned in the course and enhance it
4. Ability to understand and write in english since the course is given in English
Course Description Introduction, Secondary Storage Devices, Asymptotic Analysis; Recurrences, classwork; Sorting, merge sort, heap sort; Dictionaries, hashing, classwork; Binary search trees, 2-3 trees, 2-3-4 trees, red and black trees; B-trees; Other balanced trees: AVL, Splay, Tries; Binomial heaps; Fibonacci heaps; Sorting Networks; String-matching algorithms
Course Outcomes I. Get knowledge on asymptotic notation
II. Learn how to solve recurrences.
III. Learn about the some sorting algorithms, such as merge, quick, heapsort.
IV. Be familiar with the complicated data structures and algorithms used to store and retrieve data quickly into/from a file (hashing, B-trees, Red and Black trees, AVL trees).
V. Be familiar with the heap structure, its kinds (Binomial, Fibonacci) and applications.
VI. Understand how to analyze the search and/or sort time performance ofadvanced data structures and decide on the appropriate advanced data structure for a given problem.
VII. Be familiar with sorting networks.
VIII. Be familiar with string matching algorithms.
Pre-requisite(s) (1) Data Structures, 2) Object Oriented Programming )
Required Facilities
Other Final Exam
(closed book and notes)

Attendance is mandatory, you may get VF if you attended less than 70% of the classes. (Article 20, Undergraduate Academic Regulations, http://www.sis.itu.edu.tr/yonetmelik/yonet-eng.html).

BLG381E (Advanced Data Structures) dersinin yarıyıl sonu sınavına girebilmek için öğrencilerin aşağıdaki tüm koşulları sağlaması gereklidir.
1. Derslerin %70’ne (9 derse) katılmak.
2. Toplam 3 adet ödevden/projeden 3 tanesini teslim etmek. Bir ödevin/projenin “teslim edilmiş” olarak kabul edilmesi için o ödevden/projeden en az 10/100 almak gereklidir. Daha düşük not alınan ödevler/projeler teslim edilmemiş sayılır.
3. Ödev/proje notlarının ortalamasının en az 30/100 olması
4. Yarıyıl içi çalışmalarının ağırlıklı ortalamasının en az 30/100 olması.
Textbook Introduction to Algorithms , 2nd Edition,T.H.Cormen, C.E. Leiserson, R.L. Rivest, MIT Press, 2001, ISBN: 978-0262531962.
Other References 1. Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++, 2nd Edition, Mark Allen Weiss, AddisonWesley, 2006, 978-032137531, 608 pages.
2. File Structures, An Object Oriented Approach with C++ , M.Folk, B.Zoellick, G.Ricardi, Addison-Wesley,1998, 978-020187401, 724 pages.
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