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Where Am I: Ninova / Courses / Faculty of Computer and Informatics / BLG 212 / Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 1 Introduction to microprocessor-based systems. Basic units and buses.
2 Data and representation of data in computer
3 Computer arithmetics
4 Hardware devices
5 Memories. Expansion of memory word size and capacity.
6 CPU structure and operation
7 Worked examples.
8 The Intel 8086 and its structure. , MIDTERM EXAM 1
9 Adrressing modes and Instructions.
10 Stack, Jump,Sub-procedures, wored exaples.
11 Machine language, The assembly and directives, worked examples.
12 Worked examples.
13 Input/output, data transfer, Interrupt control. MIDTERM EXAM 2
14 Microprocessor-based system desing. Peripheral devices.
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