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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Engineering Optimisation
English Engineering Optimisation
Course Code
DEN 447E Credit Lecture
Semester 7
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Kadir Sarıöz
Course Objectives Most of the engineering design problems can be formulated and solved as an optimisation problem.Therefore, an engineering student should be familiar with mathematical techniques to formulate and solve typical engineering design problems. The main goals of this course are:
1. Formulation of typical engineering design problems as an engineering design problem,
2. To introduce different optimisation techniques for the solution of a wide range of engineering design problems.
Course Description General structure of engineering design problems, Basic principles and formulation of optimisation problems, Defining objective function and constraints, Univariant search methods, Unconstrained multivariant optimisation, Direct and indirect methods, Gradient and Newton type methods, Nonlinear programming with constraints, Quadratic programming, Linear programming, Simplex method, Penalty function and Lagrangian methods, Formulation of multiobjective optimisation problems, Formulation and solution of typical engineering problems using optimisation methods, Optimisation software.
Course Outcomes 1. Formulate an engineering design problem,
2. Understand the influence of type and numbers of design variables, constraints and objective functions on engineering design problems,
3. Apply different optimisation techniques for a wide range of engineering design problems,
4. Be familiar with typical optimisation software.
Required Facilities
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