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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Açık Deniz Rüzgar Çiftliği Tasarımı
English Offshore Wind Farm Design
Course Code
ADM 507E Credit Lecture
Semester -
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Serdar Beji
Course Objectives 1. To introduce the general concepts of wind energy and wind farms.
2. To describe wind conditions in open ocean.
3. To compute wave and current forces and their combined effects.
4. To explain the development, installation, operation and maintenance of wind farms.
Course Description Introduction to wind energy. Design considerations. Offshore wind climate. Waves, currents and combined statistics. Foundations. Loads, dynamics and structural design. Installation. Wind farm aspects. Operation and maintenance.
Course Outcomes 1. Understand concepts of wind energy and offshore wind farm design.
2. Carry out calculations about the wind conditions in open ocean.
3. Apply methods appropriate to calculate wave, current and combined wave and current forces acting on units making up the wind farm.
4. Know about the development, installation, operation and maintenance of wind farms.
Required Facilities
Textbook Hau, E., 2013. Wind Turbines:Fundamentals, Technologies, Application, Economics. Springer, London.
Other References 1. Tong, W., 2010. Wind Power Generation and Win Turbine Design. WIT Press, UK.
2. Manwell, J.F., McGowan, J., and Rogers, A., 2009. Wind Energy Explained: Theory, Design and Application. John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Wiltshire.
3. Gipe, P., 2004. Wind Power. Chelsea Green Publishing Company, White River Junction, USA.
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