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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Çevre Mühendisliğinde Mikrobiyal Genetik
English Microbial Genetics in Environmental Engineering
Course Code
ENB 602E Credit Lecture
Semester 8
3 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Orhan İnce
Ebru Dülekgürgen
Course Objectives Transfer of the scientific knowledge on the basis and application of modern scientific tools for identification, quantification and functional analyses of microbial populations/ communities significant in environmental science and engineering applications
Course Description Nucleic Acid-based In-situ Analyses of Microbial Diversity and Physiology. Bacterial Community Profiling Using DGGE or TGGE. Fluorescent rDNA Probes for In-situ Bacterial Identification. Quantification of Nitrifiers, Anaerobic Ammonium Oxidizers (Anammox) and Denitrifiers in Biological Treatment Processes Using FISH. Microbial Population Dynamics in EBPR Systems Using Hybridization Techniques. Diversity and Function of Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria. Characterization of Acetogens and Methanogens Using 16S rDNA Analyses, FISH, DGGE. Quantification of Actinomycetes Associated with Bulking and Foaming in AS Plants Using FISH. In-situ Identification of Bioremediative Microbial Communities by Molecular Tools.
Course Outcomes
Required Facilities Laptop
Data Projector
Access to Main Library
Textbook 1. Lecture Notes and Protocols (to be distributed during the course)
Other References 2.Alberts B, et al. (2008). “Molecular Biology of the Cell”, 5th edn., Garland Science, NY, USA, ISBN: 9780815341116 [Mustafa Inan Main Library: QH581.2 .M65 2008, QH581.2 .M65 2002]
3.Madigan M.T., Martinko J.M., Dunlap P.V. and Clark D.P. (2009). “Brock Biology of Microorganisms”, 12th edn., Pearson Education Inc., Glenview IL, USA, ISBN: 978-0321-53615-0. [Mustafa Inan Main Library: QR41.2 .B76 2009]
4.Environmental Molecular Microbiology: Protocols and Applications (2001). Paul A. Rochelle (ed), Horizon Scientific Press, ISBN-1-898486-29-8.
5.Selected Papers from;
•Applied Environmental Microbiology (http://aem.asm.org/)
•Systematic and Applied Microbiology (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/07232020)
•Environmental Microbiology (http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1462-2920)
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