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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Endüstriyel Atıksuların Kimyasal Arıtımı: Laboratuvar ve Uygulama
English Chem.Tre.of Ind.Was:Lab&Prac.
Course Code
CBM 532E Credit Lecture
Semester 2
3 - - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator İdil Arslan Alaton
Tuğba Ölmez Hancı
Course Objectives 1. To enable the student to identify the treatability oriented characteristics of different industrial wastewaters andto perform essential analyses relevant to wastewater pollutant parameters,
2. To advance the students’ abilities in applying chemical treatment technologies for industrial wastewater treatment.
3. To improve the students’ teamwork skills through group laboratory assignments and presentations.
Course Description This laboratory-based course involves undertaking a series of experimental studies which will introduce the students to the principles of chemical treatment technologies for industrial wastewaters. With over 10 weeks of laboratory work, the students will gain an in-depth understanding of the practice and operational experience in chemical treatment technologies and the student will strengthen the theoretical background of these technologies.
Course Outcomes M.Sc. students who successfully pass this course gain knowledge, skill and competency in the following subjects;

I. Students will gain knowledge in the application of chemical technologies for industrial wastewater treatment (knowledge).
II. Students will be able to apply this knowledge to solve problems inindustrial wastewater treatment (skill).
III. Students will use reserach methods learned in this class to solve the problems in industrial wastewater treatment (skill).
IV. Students will learn to write reports and prepare oral presentations related with the application of chemical technologies for industrial wastewater treatment (communication and social competence).
Required Facilities
Textbook 1. Gottschalk, C., Libra, J.A. ve Saupe, A., 2000: Ozonation of Water and Wastewater: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Application. Weinheim, Wiley VCH.
2. Oppenländer, T., 2003: Photochemical Purification of Water and Air: Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): Principles, Reaction Mechanisms, Reactor Concepts. Weinheim, Wiley VCH.
3. Beltrán, F. J., 2004: Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems. Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers.
4. Nuñez, M., 2005: Electrochemistry : New research. New York, Nova Science Publishers.
5. Tünay, O., Kabdaşlı, I., Arslan-Alaton, I. ve Ölmez-Hancı, T., 2010: Chemical Oxidation Applications for Industrial Wastewaters, ISBN13: 9781843393078,London, UK, IWA Publishing.
Other References 1. Gottschalk, C., Libra, J.A. ve Saupe, A., 2000: Ozonation of Water and Wastewater: A Practical Guide to Understanding Ozone and its Application. Weinheim, Wiley VCH.
2. Oppenländer, T., 2003: Photochemical Purification of Water and Air: Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs): Principles, Reaction Mechanisms, Reactor Concepts. Weinheim, Wiley VCH.
3. Beltrán, F. J., 2004: Ozone Reaction Kinetics for Water and Wastewater Systems. Boca Raton, Lewis Publishers.
4. Nuñez, M., 2005: Electrochemistry : New research. New York, Nova Science Publishers.
5. Tünay, O., Kabdaşlı, I., Arslan-Alaton, I. ve Ölmez-Hancı, T., 2010: Chemical Oxidation Applications for Industrial Wastewaters, ISBN13: 9781843393078,London, UK, IWA Publishing.
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