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Course Information

Course Name
Turkish Tasarımda Kuramsal Çalışmalar
English Theoretical Studies in Design
Course Code
EUT 552E Credit Lecture
Semester -
5 3 - -
Course Language English
Course Coordinator Şebnem Timur
Course Objectives 1. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the master’s program, to provide acquaintance students to design theories that they may need in their research areas by contributing to the theoretical background of the students that are coming from different disciplines,
2. To enable students to read the basic texts,
3. To be able to comprehend basic and contemporary texts comparatively and to ground the current discussions to these readings.
Course Description Theory and Criticism in Design: A Chronological Overview; Definitions of Design; Industrialization, Postindustrialization and Design; Object, Product, Craft and Design; Modernity and its Criticism; Technology and Design; Art and Design; Issues of Identity; Daily Life Studies; Gender and its Criticism; Globalisation and its Effects; Consumer Culture; Sustainability and Design; Products, Services, Systems and Experiences
Course Outcomes The students who take this course aquire knowledge, skills and develop competency in the following areas:
1. To be able to handle and discuss issues in the field of design by a certain theoretical background,
2. To be able to evaluate different theoretical stances in comparison and to be able to reformulate new problematic statements out of them,
3. To be able to tackle a certain text with a critical point of view,
4. To be able to develop ideas and views on a chosen subject matter and to be able to express this in an oral and written academic format.
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