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February 08 Historical development and importance of flotation, Chemical bonds, gas, aqueous and solid phases in flotation, crystal structure, significance of pH in flotation
February 15 Surface tension; Gibbs adsorption equation, definition and importance of contact angle; wettability of surfaces
Exercise: Composition of solutions, ideal solutions, dissociation constant of water, pH calculations
February 22 Electrical double layer: Zero point charge of minerals; Potential determining ions, Zeta potential measurements; thermodynamics of interfaces
Exercise: Definition of hydrolysis, dissolution and precipitation reactions and example problems
Laboratory I: Coal Flotation
March 01 Exercise: Dissolved species in flotation pulps; acids, bases, salts, problems on solubility products
Quiz I
March 08 Classification of flotation reagents; collectors; Frothers and modifiers
Equilibrium in mineral suspensions
March 15 Principles of coagulation and flocculation
Laboratory II: Flocculation
March 22 Flotation of sulfides
Exercise: Sulfide minerals flowsheets
Quiz II
April 05 Flotation of oxidized sulfides
Laboratory IV:Differential Sulfide Flotation
April 12 Flotation of oxides and silicates using cationic collectors
Midterm Exam
April 19 Flotation of oxides and silicates using cationic collectors
Exercise: Oxide and silicates flowsheets
April 26 Flotation of coal and hydrophobic minerals
Exercise: Coal and Salt type flotation flow sheets
May 03 Flotation of salt type and soluble salt minerals
Quiz III
Laboratory III: Oxide Flotation
May 10 Flotation hydrodynamics, Flotation machines; column, Jameson and jet flotation, Flotation cell design, Flotation Processes, Properties of ore, liberation, Pulp properties, Control of flotation pulp, Feed of reagents, Flotation circuits
Laboratory (Make-up)
May 17 Flotation of Fine particles: slime coating
Exercise: Calculation of conditioner tank and number of flotation cell |