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Course Weekly Lecture Plan

Week Topic
1 Terminology, generation and characteristics of solid waste; principles of solid waste management and regulations; integrated solid waste management concept; EU adapted integrated MSW management plan for Turkey
2 Properties and classification of solid waste, sampling and analysis methods
Practice I- Introduction of project and creating of project groups
3 Collection and transport of solid waste; transfer stations and transport optimization
Laboratory I- Determination of Municipal Solid Waste composition
Practice II- Waste generation, characterization, selection of collection-transport system
4 Recovery, recycling and material recovery facilities (MRFs)
Practice III- Waste flow for MRF and composting/biomethanization facilities
5 Design of biological treatment systems I– Composting and biomethanization
Laboratory II- Setup of composting system
6 Design of biological treatment systems II– Composting and biomethanization
Practice IV- Mass balance, design of collection-transport system
7 Design of biological treatment systems III– Composting and biomethanization
Practice V- Biogas potential, design of composting facility
8 Design and operation of landfill-I
9 Design and operation of landfill-II
Practice VI- Water content, waste collection, waste segregation
10 Design and operation of landfill-III
Rehabilitation of open dumping sites
Practice VII- Design of biomethanization facility, calorific value
11 Midterm exam
12 Thermal conversion technologies -I
Practice VIII- DDT design, landfill gas and leachate
13 Thermal conversion technologies -II
Laboratory III- pH, Laboratory IV- Conductivity, Laboratory V- Total and volatile solids
14 Laboratory VI- Dewar Analysis
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